Pros and Cons
● Ideally suited for removal of fibrous solids or are physically large.
● ideally suited for removal of solids that have shear resistant properties.
● ideally suited for removal of solids that are not amorphous or do not smear under some pressure.
● These screens provide more retention time on the screen surface and thus typically have a drier
mass of solids being discharged from the screen.
● In many applications, the influent distribution piping can be altered to enhance transition of liquids/solids to the screen surface.
● The design permits the changing of the elevation of the solids discharge area, providing a drier
mass of solids being discharged from the screen.
● The design permits liquid/solids separation in applications where there are very high flows.
● Reduced maintenance time & cost.
● Typically, require more sophisticated cleaning systems to keep the screen clean.
● Typically, screen cleaning requires large amounts of water and high pressure.
● Liquid/solids separation very difficult when solids are amorphous and or have lower shear tolerance.
● Typically, not well suited for liquid/solids separation applications where oils and grease levels are of concern.
● Typically, well suited for liquid/solids separation applications when a wide range of solids are present.
● Better control of influent conditions.
● Better control of liquid/solids interface with screening surface.
● Better control of liquid levels in the influent chamber/velocity & depth.
● Better cleaning of screen surfaces, due to the internal back washing activity provided by the filtrate. Typically, this is referred to as the self-cleaning phenomenon, caused by the constant back washing.
● Designs provide other cleaning approaches, all of which require less water and pressure.
● Designs provide for a wide variety of influent piping scenarios.
● Designs provide better control of screen rotation to enhance liquid/solid separation.
● Well suited for applications where oils and grease are present.
● Designs provide simple overflow bypass configurations, when upset conditions are experienced.
● Not well suited for extremely high flows when fine screening is required.
● Solids discharged from the doctor blade have the potential of being wet.
● Potential exists for free water/oils to be discharged with the solids.

Dontech Industries History
Founded in 1980, Dontech Industries, Inc. offers decades of engineering and design of screens, screening systems, belt presses and solids conveyance systems.
With its own team of experienced machine operators/welders each screen is individually constructed and sized based on the client’s needs. This professional team allows for ease of construction of equipment that is unique in shape, size, or other design considerations.
Offering experience on both the industrial and municipal markets, our professionals have the knowledge that allows all pertinent design questions to be addressed, assuring the final screen meets the design application and specifications.
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