Parabolic Side Hill Screen
For the removal of suspended solids from process and wastewater streams

American made since 1980, as the name implies, this stainless steel screen has no moving parts. It is designed so that the screen section swings out for easier internal cleaning. There is no built in spray bar cleaning system reducing water usage.

Parabolic Static / Side Hill Screen
Side Hill/Static Screens are a mechanical solids separation unit containing no moving parts, Individually designed and sized based on each client’s need. Design parameters include peak flow, gravity or pumped flow, solids and FOG content, and, space limitations.
Materials of Construction: Type-304 stainless steel framing and head box, inlet piping of 150# flange or stubbed, and stainless steel wedge wire screening with varying slot openings per design parameters.

Dontech Industries History
Founded in 1980, Dontech Industries, Inc. offers decades of engineering and design of screens, screening systems, belt presses and solids conveyance systems.
With its own team of experienced machine operators/welders each screen is individually constructed and sized based on the client’s needs. This professional team allows for ease of construction of equipment that is unique in shape, size, or other design considerations.
Offering experience on both the industrial and municipal markets, our professionals have the knowledge that allows all pertinent design questions to be addressed, assuring the final screen meets the design application and specifications.
We're Ready to Start a Customized Build for You!
Call 847-428-8222